General Reference Books

A selection of recommened reference books for modellers, enthusiasts and historians, some include a review by Vintage Airfix.

  • Aircraft/Aviation reference books

    – Aviation is one of the largest imprints. Many of the titles include stunning colour photographs and the colour profiles are now world renowned. They cover the first flights of early aviation pioneers right through to modern day conflicts and unmanned aircraft.


    1. Air War Archive Series

      – Frontline’s new Air War Archive series, covers the operations of famous aircrafts portrayed and brought to life through the first-hand accounts of the pilots who flew them and those that fought against them.

    3. Air War D-Day Series

      – Air War D-Day series of historical reference books.

    5. Air War Market Garden Series

      – A most impressive tribute and accurate four part work that uniquely presents a complete account of the air operations during ‘Market-Garden’ in September 1944 when British, US and Polish airborne troops made a gallant attempt to seize and hold bridges across the Lower Rhine in Holland as a springboard for crossing into Germany. ‘Market’, the airborne part of the operation, was at the time the largest in history.

    7. Aviation Heritage Trail Series

      – Aviation Heritage Trail series of historical reference books.

    9. Bomber Command – Reflections of War Series

      – The “Bomber Command – Reflections War” series gives the reader a comprehensive insight into all aspects of RAF Bomber Command in World War Two.

    11. Cold War 1945-1991 Series

      – Cold War event between 1945 and 1991.

    13. Flight Craft Series

      – The Flight Craft series of books are a great source of reference material for the aircraft modeller. Modeller’s will find that these colourful and informative books offer something to provoke interest and fuel the imagination.

    15. Luftwaffe at War Series

      – This superb illustrated series charts the rise and fall of the German Air Force from 1939 to 1945. Each volume makes use of over a hundred rare and valuable photographs, many of them taken by Luftwaffe personnel, to bring history to life and record both the men and the aircraft they flew.

    17. Profiles of Flight Series

      – These books contains the world famous colour profiles created by Dave Windle of the types in different operational modes, configurations and colour schemes. Martin Bowman has written detailed descriptions and photographs to create the perfect enthusiast’s reference.

    19. Voices in Flight Series

      – Voices in Flight series of books

    21. World’s Greatest Airliners Series

      – The World’s Greatest Airliners.


Battleground Books: WWI Series

– Battleground series of World War One reference books.



Battleground Books: WWII Series

– Battleground series of World War Two reference books.



Despatches from the Front

– A new series covering the entire history of the British Army complete with unique insight into what happened from those in command.



Eyewitnesses from The Great War series

– An innovative series following eyewitness accounts of the people who lived through the hard times of The Great War. This thrilling series features books once known as old, rare and out of print titles that were published during or shortly after The First World War. We bring you the original books that have been unseen for years.



FACT Files Series

– The Fact File series of pocket guides are packed full of information, facts and figures.



Images of War Series

– The success of our Images of War series is due to the copious use of collectors’ graphic and rare contemporary images, supported by authoritative captions and lively text. The majority of titles in this fast growing series focus on campaigns and formations of the Second World War.



World War One reference books

– The horrors and sacrifices of the First World War are deeply engrained in the national psyche. The four years between 1914 – 1918 irrevocably changed the lives of its participants and each subsequent generation. a hundred years later and the themes are still familiar..



World War Two reference books

– Far from waning, interest in the global land, sea and air conflict grows with every successive generation. This list has something for everyone, whether it be from memoirs, biographies, pictorial histories, studies of campaigns and a superb selection of guidebooks, covering many of the Battlefields of the Second World War.