Airfix Model World Basic Guide to Modelling

By Stu Fone
Whether you are just entering the hobby or re-acquainting yourself with it, this book provides simple step-by-step advice on how to get started on a build – regardless of whether it is a ship, tank, aircraft or spaceship – along with guidance on tools and equipment. The wealth of handy tips on basic modelling techniques includes eliminating seams, painting and applying decals. This useful guide also covers more advanced methods, such as scratch-building and repairing/replacing parts, along with helpful hints on finding and using reference material, plus it dispels a few modelling myths along the way. Released initially as a 12-part series in Airfix Model World magazine, this is the first time these Back to Basics articles have been drawn together into a single volume, for every modeller’s convenience.
Vintage Airfix Review:
This is an excellent book for those who are new to the hobby or returning to it after a long absence. Additionally, there are some useful “modern” tips that will be of interest to us seasoned modelers.
A lovely, informative addition to your library, the entire book is well-written and laid out.