Airfix Magazine Guides
The Airfix Magazine Guides were small A5-sized hardback books, in black/white. First produced in 1974 and were released two at a time, usually four a year. A total of 28 Airfix Magazine Guides are known, these are listed below with their authors name and the books blurb. They were published by Patrick Stephens Ltd.
You can still find secondhand copies of the Airfix Magazine Guides on eBay UK or Amazon UK, Sometimes, they can be found in flea markets and used book shops.

1 – Plastic Modelling. (Gerald Scarborough)
If you have never made a plastic construction kit in your life, you can do it with the help of this book. Written by an acknowledged expert, it takes you through the basic essentials of modelling aircraft, tanks, cars, ships and figures, pointing out the pitfalls to be avoided and showing how even the complete beginner can make a model to be proud of. Assembly techniques, detailing, painting and display are all covered making this book a ‘must’ for all beginners.
2 -Aircraft Modelling. (Bryan Philpott)
Making scale model aircraft from plastic construction kits is one of the most popular hobbies in the world today. In this book, expert modeller Bryan Philpott explains the basic principles of constructing aircraft kits, building up a satisfying collection, obtaining authentic markings and displaying the finished models. Practical examples of eight models, ranging from biplanes to jets, are included, together with numerous plans and photographs, making this a book no modeller of plastic aircraft should miss.

3 – Military Modelling. (Gerald Scarborough)
Modelling tanks, armoured cars and military ‘soft-skin’ vehicles from plastic construction kits is not always as easy as the experts make it appear, but with the help of this book any modeller can produce miniature vehicles to be proud of. The contents cover tools, basic assembly techniques, painting and finishing, as well as including details on several conversion projects which will enable modellers to add some really different vehicles to their collections.
4 – Napoleonic Wargaming. (Bruce Quarrie)
Now you can lead a French cavalry charge at Waterloo, defend the Grand Redoubt at Borodino or skirmish with British riflemen in Spain! This fascinating book, which will be invaluable to beginners and experiened wargamers alike, explains what Napoleonic Wargaming is all about, including the orginisation, equipment, leadership, strategy and tactics of Napoleonic armies, how to fight an actual wargame, planning a campaign, and a complete set of playing rules.

5 -Tank and AFV Modelling. (Gerald Scarborough)
Tanks and armoured fighting vehicles have always exercised a fascination uniquely their own, and are especially popular subjects with plastic modellers. This book shows how a wide variety of different models can be made by combining parts from two or more plastic construction kits, or even assembled entirely from scratch using plastic card, rod, putty and other low-cost materials. Fully illustrated with photographs and scale plans, the book also includes advice on tools, materials and techniques to all military modellers.
6 – RAF Fighters of World War 2. (Alan W Hall)
Beginning with the famous Gloster Gladiator, the Royal Air Force’s last biplane fighter, and finishing with its first operational jet, the Meteor, this book is a concise but detailed guide to every type of aircraft used as a fighter by the RAF during the last war. The development and service history of each is described, together with tables of performance figures and other data. The immortal Spitfire and Hurricane naturally have their place, as well as many others, all of which are illustrated by original wartime photographs.

7 – Warship Modelling. (Peter Hodges)
Now anyone can build accurate models of famous warships! This invaluable book provides detailed, easy-to-follow instructions on assembling, converting, painting and displaying models from the Airfix 1:600 scale range. It includes practical conversion examples as well as guidelines on such diverse subjects as flags and when they should be flown, altering full hull to waterline models, and creating ‘sea’ dioramas.
8 – German Tanks of World War 2. (Terry Gander & Peter Chamberlain)
The Panzer divisions which swept through Poland, France, Russia and North Africa in the opening stages of the last war are a never-ending source of fascination for modellers and wargamers. In this book, two acknowledged experts provide a concise but detailed guide to the tanks themselves, their development, use, camouflage and markings. The book includes 1:76 scale plans of the tanks and numerous rare and interesting photographs.

9 – Ancient Wargaming. (Phil Barker)
Now any wargamer can lead a Roman legion into battle, ride to war on an elephant or chariot or relive the siege of Troy. This book, written by expert wargamer Phil Barker, provides all the basic information required to amass and fight intelligently with Greek hoslites, Roman legionaries, Parthian horse archers and many of the other colourful troops of the ancient world. It includes details on troop types, tactics, and how to win batles using the Wargames Research Group playing rules.
10 – Luftwaffe Camouflage of World War 2. (Bryan Philpott)
All modellers looking for alternative finishes to plastic construction kits of World War 2 Luftwaffe aircraft, or merly wanting to ensure the accuracy of their models, will find this book essential. It includes details, drawings and photographs illustrating every aspect of German fighter, bomber, trainer, trainer, transport and other types of aircraft marking scheme, including colours, Geschwader codes, national insignia, ‘kill’ markings and unit badges. An invaluable reference for the modeller and aviation enthusiast.

11 – RAF Camouflage of World War 2. (Michael J F Bowyer)
This book is a detailed guide to the camouflage patterns and colours worn by EAF aircraft during World War 2. Fighters, bombers, reconnaissance and coasral machines, transports, trainers and many other types all fall within its scope. There are also chapters on roundels and fin stripes, and the many special exceptions to all the rules. An invaluable book for all modellers and aviation enthusiasts.
12 – Afrika Korps. (Bruce Quarrie)
There have been many books on the Afrika Korps, but this is the first to be specifically written for the modeller and wargamer. It includes not only detailed descriptions of the DAK’s organisation, vehicles, equipment, uniforms and tactics, but also a concise chronology of the desert war, a biography of the ‘Desert Fox’ himself, and chapters on modelling a variety of vehicles and figures from Airfix kits.

13 – The French Foreign Legion. (Martin Windrow)
Here, in vivid and dramatic form, is the true story of the famous French Foreign Legion, one of the toughest and most respected fighting forces in the world’s history. This book traces its record from the 1830s to the present day, including accounts of its most famous battles – Camerone, Bir Hakeim and Dien Bien Phu. There are also details of the Legion’s men, leaders, uniforms, organisation, equipment, badges, weapons and campaigns, making it an ideal volume for both historians and model makers.
14 – American Fighters of World War 2. (Alan W Hall)
This book is a concise, detailed, guide to every type of aircraft used as a fighter by the United States Air Force and Navy during World War 2. Development and service histories, data tables and numerous photographs of such famous types as the Mustang, Thunderbolt, Lightning, Hellcat and Corsair – all available as Airfix kits – are included, making this an ideal reference companion for every aviation enthusiast and model maker.

15 – World War 2 Wargaming. (Bruce Quarrie)
Now anyone can fight realistic and fast-moving wargame battles using Airfix tanks and model soldiers. This book explains in detail how to build up and organise miniature armies of all the major combatant nations of World War 2, then shows how to simulate real life combat using rifles, grenades, machine-guns, mortars, tanks and anti-tank guns and artillery. It also includes sections on orders, morale and iniative.
16 – Modelling Jet Fighters. (Bryan Philpott)
This is the book for all plastic construction kit modellers with an interest in jet fighter aircraft. Lavishly illustrated, it shows how to assemble correctly and add detail to basic kits, then gives a selection of practical conversion examples ranging from the Meteor and Hunter to the Phantom and Corsair. The many hints and tips make it an invaluable purchase for beginner and expert alike.

17 – British Tanks of World War 2. (Terry Gander & Peter Chamberlain)
This is the book for anyone wishing to learn about British AFVs of the last war. From the speedy and manoeuvrable Crusader and Cromwell to the slow but heavily armoured Matilda and Churchill, it traces the development, service life and speal variants of each vehicle, with data tables, photos and 1:76 scale plans. Included are notes on tank armament, camouflage and American tanks in British service.
18 – USAAF Camourflage of World War 2. (Jerry Scutts)
This book presents for the first time in low-cost form a complete preis of American Army Air Force aircraft camouflage and marking schemes in all theatres during the last war. National and squadron insignia, invasion stripes, mission markings and nose art for each aircraft type used are all included, making the book an invaluable reference source for aviation historians and modellers.

19 – Model Soldiers. (Martin Windrow and Gerry Embleton)
This book is a detailed guide to constructing, animating, converting and painting 54 mm scale model soldiers from the Airfix Collectors’ Series and Multipose figure kits. Subjects covered range from an ancient warrior through Napoleonic fiflrmen, French Foreign Legion legionaire and Bengal Lancer to British tank crew and Waffen-SS figures, providing a valuable modelling course for beginner and expert alike.
20 – 8th Army in the Desert. (John Saunders)
Aimed specially at the needs of modellers and wergamers, this book contains a concise but detailed history of the 8th Army’s campaigns in North Africa from 1940 to 1943. It also has chapters on the organisation, equipment, uniforms, weapons and tanks used, plus modelling notes and diagrams for a variety of figures and vehicles converted from Airfix plastic construction kits.

21 – Modelling Armoured Cars. (Gerald Scarborough)
Armoured cars exercise a fascination all their own to military modellers, yet surprisingly there are very few plastic construction kits of these AFVs. In this book an acknowledged expert shows how the keen modeller can rectify the situation by building his own models using scale drawings, plastic card and other oddments. Practical examples included range from the tiny Beaveratte through the famous Rolls-Royce and others to the massive Staghound.
22 – Russian Tanks of World War 2. (John Milsom & Steve Zaloga)
Here, in one compact volume, is a detailed guide to every Russian tank used during World War 2, from the diminutive light tanks through the famous T-34 and KV-1 to the massive T-35 and IS-3. Included are details on Soviet military leadership, armoured theory and practice, strategy and tactics, as well as vehicle design, extensive data tables, four-view scale plans, dozens of photographs and notes on Russian AFV camouflage and markings.

23 – German Fighters of World War 2. (Bryan Philpott)
German fighter aircraft of World War 2 have a never-ending fascination, and this book is an invaluable introduction to the various types and their capabilities. Containing dozens of photos as well as data tables, it decribes the origins and service history of all the main variants, including the famous Messerschmitt Bf 109 and 110, Me 262, Focke-Wulf FW 190 and Ju 88, making it a must for all modellers and enthusiasts.
24 – American Civil War Wargaming. (Terence Wise)
Breech-loading rifles, machine-guns, railroads and the telegraph all contributed to make the American Civil War the first ‘modern’ war, adding to its popularity with today’s wargamers. This book outlines the organisation, weapons, equipment and capabilities of the Federal and Confederate armies, then shows how to build up miniature regiments of your own and recreate the battles on the tabletop, using playing rules provided.

25 – Modelling World War 2 Fighters. (Bryan Philpott)
Fighter aircraft of World War 2 are probably the most popular subject among plastic constuction kit modellers the world over. The aim of theis book is to show you how to improve your own modelling standards and thus build even more accurate and detailed models of famous fighters, including the Spitfire, Bf 109, Hurricane, Corsair and Zero. In addition, it provides alternative colour scheme ideas and several practical conversion examples to enable you to make really individual models.
26 – American Tanks of World War 2. (Terry Gander & Peter Chamberlain)
During the last war the Americans built twice as many tanks as Britain and Germany combined, and the M4 Sherman in particular can rightly be acclaimed as one of the weapons which won the war. In this book Terry Gander and Peter Chamberlain give a concise but detailed guide to American tank theory and design before and during the war, together with descriptions and data on the tanks themselves, notes on armament, camouflage and markings, four-view scale plans and extensive exciting photographic coverage.

27 – Modelling RAF Vehicles. (Gerald Scarborough)
Bring your airfield dioramas to life! This book describes how to construct a wide variety of vehicles used by the RAF through two World Wars, including staff and armoured cars, pick-up trucks, crew buses, bowsers, trailers, workshop and wireless trucks and many others, including a runaway caravan, searchlight and barrage balloon with winch vehicle. Ideal for large model airfields or small dioramas, the dozens of models in this book will bring endless pleasure to all real aircraft and military vehicle enthusiasts.
28 – The English Civil War. (George Gush and Martin Windrow)
The English Civil War, a watershed in English history, is a fascinating and colourful period with great appeal to wargamers and modellers. This book not only describes the origins and course of the war, with notes on the main battles, but also details the organisation, dress, equipment, tactics and weapons of the opposing forces. In addition, there is a special chapter for wargamers and practical modelling advice for anyone working from the Airfix 54 mm figure kits of ECW soldiers.

More publications from Airfix Magazine and produced by Patrick Stephens Ltd was the Airfix Magazine Annual for Modellers.