Airfix Magazine Annuals for Modellers
The Airfix Magazine Annual for Modellers are 7 hardback annuals produced in the 1970s by Patrick Stephens Limited in association with Airfix Products Limited. written by experts and edited by Airfix Magazine staff.
You can still find secondhand copies of the Airfix Magazine Annual for Modellers on eBay UK or Amazon UK, Sometimes, they can be found in flea markets and used book shops.
Here are the covers and the associated blurb for each edition.
At the bottom of this page are the 2 additional, paperback, annuals which where published the year after the last ‘Magazine’ annual.

Airfix Magazine Annual No.1
Edited by Chris Ellis
First Published – September 1971
Airfix Magazine Annual for Modellers contains a profusely illustrated collection of features covering all the most popular aspects of model making from plastic kits. Edited by the staff of Airfix Magazine, the plastic modelling monthly, and written by expert Airfix Magazine contributors, the subjects covered include basic kit assembly and painting, aircraft conversions (both simple and advanced), tank modelling and conversion, scale figures, military dioramas, model railways, car models, and famous ship and aircraft histories. There are two picture quizzes for the knowledgeable, and a lengthy pictorial presentation based on the popular Airfix Magazine ‘Photopage’ feature, plus a much-requested description of flying uniforms of all the major air powers.
This is the first edition of Airfix Magazine Annual. It will be eagerly read by all keen modellers, young and old, and offers both invaluable reference material and a mass of practical modelling ideas and tips.
Airfix Magazine Annual No.2
Edited by Chris Ellis
First Published – September 1972
The second Airfix Magazine Annual contains a profusely illustrated collection of articles covering numerous popular aspects of plastic kit modelling.
Edited by staff of the famous plastic modelling monthly, Airfix Magazine, and written by expert contributors, this is a book for every plastic modeller.

Airfix Magazine Annual No.3
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – September 1973
Airfix Magazine Annual, now in its third year of publication, has proved immensely popular with plastic modellers of all ages and levels of experience. Edited by Bruce Quarrie, editor of the famous plastic modelling monthly, Airfix Magazine, and written by expert magazine contributors, the book contains a selection of articles on many of the most popular aspects of the hobby. Model aircraft, ships, tanks and soldiers feature prominently and each article is profusely illustrated with photographs and line drawings.
Airfix Magazine Annual No.4
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – September 1974
Airfix Magazine Annual has become a firm favorite with plastic modellers of all ages in its four years of publication. This latest volume, crammed with photographs, scale plans, facts, figures and drawings on a wide variety of modelling subjects, will be equally popular. Edited by Bruce Quarrie, editor of the famous plastic modelling monthly, Airfix Magazine, and written as usual by expert magazine contributors, the book contains something to satisfy most plastic modellers. Old and modern aircraft, tanks, model soldiers, cars, boats and railway modelling are included, making it a ‘must’ for enthusiasts everywhere.

Airfix Magazine Annual No.5
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – September 1975
Packed with practical modelling information that will appeal to plastic construction kit enthusiasts of all ages.
Airfix Magazine Annual No.6
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – 1976
Jam-packed with practical modelling projects, exciting full-colour features, scale plans, tanks and aircraft marking scheme details and dozens of photographs. Airfix Magazine Annual 6 has something for plastic construction kit enthusiasts of all ages.

Airfix Magazine Annual No.7
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – 1977
Airfix Magazine Annual has become a firm favourite with plastic modellers of all ages in its seven years of publication. This latest volume, crammed with photographs, scale plans, facts, figures and drawings on a wide variety of modelling topics, will be equally popular.
Edited by Bruce Quarrie, editor of the famous plastic modelling monthly, Airfix Magazine, and written as usual by expert contributors, the book contains something to satisfy most plastic modellers. Old and modern aircraft, tanks, guns, cars, commercial vehicles, military costumes and wargaming are included, making it a ‘must’ for enthusiasts everywhere.
In addition to these ‘Magazine’ Annuals, there were also a couple of Airfix Annuals aimed at specific modellers. Published in 1978 in paperback format.
Airfix Annual for Aircraft Modellers
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – 1978
For the first time, an Airfix Annual specially for aircraft modellers!* Crammed with photographs and drawings on a wide variety of topics, from vintage biplanes and World War 2 machines to modern jets and transports, it is a real treasure house of information and will provide inspiration for dozens of models to suit all ages and tastes. USAF fighters in Korea, Bomber Command nose artwork and RAF Airacobras – all illustrated in full-colour – are just a few of the fascinating topics covered. You simply can’t afford to be without it|
*Don’t miss our companion volume for military modellers, also avaiable now!

Airfix Annual for Military Modellers
Edited by Bruce Quarrie
First Published – 1978
For the first time, an Airfix Annual specially for military modellers!* Crammed with photographs and drawings on a wide variety of topics, from tanks, guns and warships to uniforms, figures and wargaming, it is a real treasure house of information and will provide inspiration for dozens of models to suit all ages and tastes. Soviet heavy tanks, British lancer uniforms, German sFH 18 and British Bofors guns and Napoleonic uniforms – all illustrated in full-colour – are just a few of the fascinating topics covered. You simply can’t afford to be without it!
*Don’t miss our companion volume for aircraft modellers, also avaiable now!
Also from Patrick Stephens Ltd and Airfix Magazine was the Airfix Magazine Guides. These were small A5-sized hardback books, in black/white. First produced in 1974 and were released two at a time, usually four a year. A total of 28 Airfix Magazine Guides are known.
Another series of book aimed at Airfix modelers is Airfix Build & Convert – In 2011 SAM Limited, under licence from SAM Publications, started to produce a series of books squarely aimed at building and converting Airfix kits. There are currently 7 books in the Classic Plastic Series.