Grumman F6F Hellcat

Sites that may have a Grumman F6F Hellcat kit, or the newer version, available to purchase.
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Based on the aircraft flown by Commander David McCampbell, the US Navy's top scoring ace, with a total of 34 aerial victories – seven of them on the 18th and 20th June, 1944, during the famous 'Marianas Turkey Shoot' in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. – Taken from the 1990 edition catalogue

1989 edition catalogue, recorded as a new kit.

1989 edition catalogue, listed as part of the World War II Aircraft of the Aces Special Editions range.

Additional information

First Issued


Catalogue Ref - 1989 Edition


Catalogue Ref - 1990 Edition


Catalogue Ref - 1992 Edition


Catalogue Ref - 1993 Edition


Catalogue Ref - 1994 Edition


Catalogue Ref - 1995 Edition


Artist on Box Type 10

Anthony Sturgess

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