Combat Pack

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On the coloured base boards supplied in the set can be recreated skirmishes between a British Cromwell tank and a German Hanomag. A clip-together Strongpoint building and cut-out trees and walls allow a variety of situations to be built up. Two sets each comprising twenty-nine 1:32nd scale figures of British Paratroops and German Infantry are also included. The two realistic pill-boxes can be loaded with the flat discs and fired, adding a final touch to an outstanding play-pack. – Taken from the 13th edition catalogue (1976)

Additional information

Rarity of early version


First Issued


Catalogue Ref - 13th Edition (1976)


Catalogue Ref - 14th Edition (1977)


Catalogue Ref - 15th Edition (1978)


Catalogue Ref - 16th Edition (1979)


Catalogue Ref - 17th Edition (1980)


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