BAC Strikemaster

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This two-seat, pressurised ground-attack aircraft is in service with a number of the world's air forces and examples are currently operating against rebels in the Persian Gulf Sultanate of Oman. Markings and underwing stores are provided for an Omani aircraft. Optional parts enable a Jet Provost Mk. 5 of the RAF Red Pelicans to be built. – Taken from the 11th edition catalogue (1974)

13th edition catalogue (1976), listed as B.A.C. Strikemaster from BAC Strikemaster.

Additional information

First Issued


Catalogue Ref - 11th Edition (1974)


Catalogue Ref - 12th Edition (1975)


Catalogue Ref - 13th Edition (1976)


Catalogue Ref - 14th Edition (1977)


Catalogue Ref - 15th Edition (1978)


Artist on Box Type 4

Roy Cross

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