American Soldier of the Revolution 1775

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The figure represented in this kit is clad in an infantry uniform, and is one of many styles adopted by the patriots after the declaration of war in April 1775, for although the Commander-in-Chief George Washington strove to obtain some uniformity among his troops by issuing dress regulation orders, due to desperate shortages he was never to succeed and many variations of uniforms were worn, and equipment varied. – Taken from the 11th edition catalogue (1974)

13th edition catalogue (1976), listed as American Soldier of the Revolution 1776 from American Soldier of the Revolution 1775.

Additional information

Airfix Series (first appearance)


First Issued


Catalogue Ref - 11th Edition (1974)


Catalogue Ref - 12th Edition (1975)


Catalogue Ref - 13th Edition (1976)


Catalogue Ref - 14th Edition (1977)


Catalogue Ref - 15th Edition (1978)


Catalogue Ref - 16th Edition (1979)


Artist on Box Type 4B

William Stallion

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