Tank Craft 21: Challenger 1

Tank Craft 21: Challenger 1

By Robert Griffin


During the 1980s and early 1990s the Challenger 1 main battle tank played a central role in Britain’s armoured forces and it achieved remarkable success in combat, destroying around 300 Iraqi tanks in the Gulf War. With its advanced Chobham armour and hydropneumatic suspension system, it was one of the most sophisticated and effective armoured vehicles of the time and, in a modified form, it is still in service with the Jordanian army. It is also a popular subject with tank modellers and enthusiasts, which is why this volume in the TankCraft series is of such value.

Archive photos of the Challenger 1 in service and extensively researched colour profile illustrations depict the tank throughout its operational life. A large part of the book showcases available model kits and aftermarket products, complemented by a gallery of beautifully constructed and painted models in various scales. Technical details as well as modifications introduced during production and in the field are also examined and provide everything the modeller needs to recreate an accurate representation of the Challenger 1.

Vintage Airfix Review:

The Challenger tank is one that I can relate to having seen footage of them on the news having grown up in part of the cold war era. It was the tank that myself and my friends ‘knew’ and now, after reading this edition of the Tank Craft series, I fill I finally ‘know’ the Challenger. The detail in this book is brilliant, and as a modeller, is inspiring.

A great additions to your reference library.

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